Gold Price In Oman 20k
Today | Comparison | Chart | Faqs | Other Areas
Oman Gold Price Today 20k
Quantity | OMR | USD | INR |
1 Gram | 26.60 | 69.09 | 5795 |
5 Gram | 133.0 | 345.4 | 28975 |
10 Gram | 266.0 | 690.9 | 57950 |
1 Tola | 310.1 | 805.5 | 67569 |
1 Ounce | 827.2 | 2148 | 180224 |
100 Gram | 2660.07 | 6909 | 579500 |
Last Updated Sep 18, 2024
Gold price in Oman 20 carat today per gram is 26.60 OMR, price of per 5 gram is 133.0 OMR, price of 10 gram is 266.0 OMR, the price of gold in Oman per tola is 310.1 OMR, per ounce price is 827.2 OMR and the price of 20k gold per 100 gram is 2660.07 OMR.
In USD the gold price in Oman 20 carat today per gram is 69.09 USD, price of per 5 gram is 345.4 USD, price of 10 gram is 690.9 USD, the price of gold in Oman per tola is 805.5 USD, per ounce price is 2148 USD and the price of 20k gold per 100 gram is 6909 USD.
In INR the gold price in Oman 20 carat today per gram is 5795 INR, price of per 5 gram is 28975 INR, price of 10 gram is 57950 INR, the price of gold in Oman per tola is 67569 INR, per ounce price is 180224 INR and the price of 20k gold per 100 gram is 579500 INR.
20K Gold Price: Today vs Yesterday (OMR)
Unit | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 26.60 | 26.48 | +0.49 |
5 Gram | 133.0 | 132.4 | +2.5 |
10 Gram | 266.0 | 264.8 | +4.9 |
1 Tola | 310.1 | 308.7 | +5.7 |
1 Ounce | 827.2 | 823.5 | +15.3 |
100 Gram | 2660.07 | 2648.02 | +48.94 |
Gold price in Oman 20k today is 26.60 OMR per gram, yesterday 20k gold price was 26.48 OMR per gram and the change in price is +0.49 OMR.
Gold price in Oman 20k today is 310.1 OMR per tola, yesterday 20k gold price was 308.7 OMR per tola and the change in price is +5.7 OMR.
Gold price in Oman 20k today is 827.2 OMR per ounce, yesterday 20k gold price was 823.5 OMR per ounce and the change in price is +15.3 OMR.
20K Gold Price: Today vs Yesterday (USD)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 69.09 | 68.78 | +1.28 |
5 Gram | 345.4 | 343.9 | +6.4 |
10 Gram | 690.9 | 687.8 | +12.8 |
1 Tola | 805.5 | 801.9 | +14.9 |
1 Ounce | 2148 | 2139 | +40 |
100 Gram | 6909 | 6878 | +128 |
Gold rate in Oman 20 carat today is 69.09 USD per gram, yesterday 20K gold price was 68.78 USD per gram and the change in rate is +1.28 USD.
Oman gold rate 20K today is 805.5 USD per tola, yesterday 20K gold price was 805.5 USD per tola and the change in rate is +14.9 USD.
Oman gold rate 20K today is 2148 USD per ounce, yesterday 20K gold price was 2139 USD per ounce and the change in rate is +40 USD.
20K Gold Rate: Today vs Yesterday (INR)
Units | Today | Last Day | Price Change |
1 Gram | 5795 | 5773 | +107 |
5 Gram | 28975 | 28865 | +535 |
10 Gram | 57950 | 57730 | +1070 |
1 Tola | 67569 | 67313 | +1248 |
1 Ounce | 180224 | 179540 | +3328 |
100 Gram | 579500 | 577300 | +10700 |
Gold price in Oman 20 carat today is 5795 INR per gram, yesterday 20K gold price was 5773 INR per gram and the change in price is +107 INR.
Oman gold price 20K today is 67569 INR per tola, yesterday 20K gold price was 67313 INR per tola and the change in price is +1248 INR.
Oman gold price 20K today is 180224 INR per ounce, yesterday 20K gold price was 179540 INR per ounce and the change in price is +3328 INR.
20K Gold Price Chart (OMR)
Date | 1 Gram | 1 Tola | 1 Ounce |
18-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.60 | OMR 310.1 | OMR 827.2 |
17-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.60 | OMR 310.1 | OMR 827.2 |
16-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.60 | OMR 310.1 | OMR 827.2 |
15-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.60 | OMR 310.1 | OMR 827.2 |
14-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.60 | OMR 310.1 | OMR 827.2 |
13-Sep-2024 | OMR 26.48 | OMR 308.7 | OMR 823.5 |
12-Sep-2024 | OMR 25.99 | OMR 303.0 | OMR 808.2 |
11-Sep-2024 | OMR 25.99 | OMR 303.0 | OMR 808.2 |
10-Sep-2024 | OMR 25.76 | OMR 300.3 | OMR 801.1 |
09-Sep-2024 | OMR 25.76 | OMR 300.3 | OMR 801.1 |