Gold Price In Khasab 24k

Gold Price In Khasab 24k Today

1 Gram30.2578.576583
5 Gram151.25392.832915
10 Gram302.49785.765830
1 Tola352.82916.1276757
1 Ounce940.762443204731
100 Gram3024.957857658300

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab per gram is 30.25 OMR, price of per 5 gram is 151.25 OMR, price of 10 gram is 302.49 OMR, the price of gold in Khasab per tola is 352.82 OMR, per ounce price is 940.76 OMR and the price of 24k gold per 100 gram is 3024.95 OMR.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab per gram is 78.57 USD, price of per 5 gram is 392.8 USD, price of 10 gram is 785.7 USD, the price of gold in Khasab per tola is 916.12 USD, per ounce price is 2443 USD and the price of 24k gold per 100 gram is 7857 USD.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab per gram is 6583 INR, price of per 5 gram is 32915 INR, price of 10 gram is 65830 INR, the price of gold in Khasab per tola is 76757 INR, per ounce price is 204731 INR and the price of 24k gold per 100 gram is 658300 INR.

24K Gold Price: Today vs Yesterday (OMR)

1 Gram30.2530.40-0.15
5 Gram151.25152.02-0.77
10 Gram302.49304.03-1.54
1 Tola352.82354.62-1.8
1 Ounce940.76945.55-4.79
100 Gram3024.953040.34-15.39

Khasab gold Price 24K today is 30.25 OMR per gram, yesterday 24K gold price was 30.40 OMR per gram and the change in Price is -0.15 OMR.

Khasab gold Price 24K today is 352.82 OMR per tola, yesterday 24K gold price was 354.62 OMR per tola and the change in Price is -1.8 OMR.

Khasab gold Price 24K today is 940.76 OMR per ounce, yesterday 24K gold price was 945.55 OMR per ounce and the change in Price is -4.79 OMR.

24K Gold Price: Today vs Yesterday (USD)

1 Gram78.5778.92-0.35
5 Gram392.8394.6-1.8
10 Gram785.7789.2-3.5
1 Tola916.12920.20-4.08
1 Ounce24432454-11
100 Gram78577892-35

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab is 78.57 USD per gram, yesterday 24K gold price was 78.92 USD per gram and the change in price is -0.35 USD.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab is 916.12 USD per tola , yesterday 24K gold price was 920.20 USD per ounce and the change in price is -4.08 USD.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab today is 2443 USD per ounce, yesterday 24K gold price was 2454 USD per ounce and the change in price is -11 USD.

24K Gold Price: Today vs Yesterday (INR)

1 Gram65836611-28
5 Gram3291533055-140
10 Gram6583066110-280
1 Tola7675777084-327
1 Ounce204731205602-871
100 Gram658300661100-2800

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab is 6583 INR per gram, yesterday 24K gold price was 6611 INR per gram and the change in price is -28 INR.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab is 76757 INR per tola, yesterday 24K gold price was 77084 INR per tola and the change in price is -327 INR.

24 Carat Gold price In Khasab is 204731 INR per ounce, yesterday 24K gold price was 205602 INR per ounce and the change in price is -871 INR.

24K Gold Price Chart (OMR)

03-Aug-2024OMR 30.25OMR 352.82OMR 940.76
02-Aug-2024OMR 30.40OMR 354.62OMR 945.55
01-Aug-2024OMR 30.24OMR 352.69OMR 940.39
31-July-2024OMR 29.92OMR 348.96OMR 930.46
30-July-2024OMR 29.54OMR 344.52OMR 918.61
29-July-2024OMR 29.63OMR 345.64OMR 921.60
28-July-2024OMR 29.55OMR 344.65OMR 918.97
27-July-2024OMR 29.55OMR 344.65OMR 918.97
26-July-2024OMR 29.38OMR 342.63OMR 913.58
25-July-2024OMR 29.38OMR 342.63OMR 913.58

Frequently Asked Questions

The gold rate in the Khasab gold market yesterday was 24-carat per gram 28.14, the price of 22-carat gold in Khasab is 27.78 OMR, the 21-carat gold rate was 24.62, the gold rate of 20-carat gold in Khasab was 22.80 OMR, 18-carat per gram rate was 21.10, rate of 16-carat gold per gram was 18.60 and the gold price of 14-carat per gram in Khasab gold market was 16.32

1 Pavan of gold rate in Khasab is 781.68 OMR

The rate of 99.99% pure gold bars of 100 grams is 3311.42, the price of a golden biscuit weight of an ounce of 99.99% pure is 882.94 OMR, the rate of 99.99% pure gold coin which is equal to 10 grams is 283.90 OMR and the rate of 99.99% pure golden bar of 100 grams is 2839.02 in Khasab today.

Carats are denoted with different symbols or words like ct, kt, k and carats are the purity of gold. 24-carat gold is the purest gold in the world which is 99.99% pure. After 24k the purest is 22k then 21-carat then 20 after it 18k is the pure one. 17-carat gold, 16k gold, 14k gold, 15k gold, 14k gold, 13k gold, and the last one is 12k gold purchase and sell in the Khasab gold market.

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